If you are new to S-Series VoIP PBX, this quick start guide video will help you find your way around. In this video, we take S20 as an example to give you quick and simple instructions for installing and configuring your S-Series IPPBX.

Main Steps:
1. Device installation
2. Web GUI login
3. Localize your PBX with timezone, system prompt, and region preference
4. Change password and set up administration email
5. Configure network settings and reboot your system
6. Bulk create extensions for users
7. Configure Linkus and enable Linkus Cloud Service
8. Connect the Trunks to make calls
9. Download Linkus UC App for your PC and smartphones
10. Create Inbound and Outbound Routes

*This video is suitable for S-Series VoIP PBX, including S412S20, S50, S100, and S300.

Keep Learning

There are more videos about the initial setup of S-Series VoIP PBX you will find useful.

More specific feature configuration like DID settings, Emergency Number settings can be found on our youtube channel.

Source from: https://www.yeastar.com/blog/video-yeastar-s-series-voip-pbx-quick-start-guide/